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To: Norfolk County Council

Reinstate the train line between Kings Lynn and Norwich

Reinstate the trainline between King's Lynn and Norwich

Why is this important?

The roads in Norfolk are getting ever more crowded leading to long delays for commuters, frequent traffic jams, increasing air pollution and road traffic accidents. A regular train service will help reduce motorised road traffic, and therefore reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution; it will enable more people to use bicycles at either end of their train commute which in turn will improve health and wellbeing, reduce stress levels and result in greater productivity by enabling working en route and reduced travel time. A trainline will improve connectivity between Norwich and towns in Norfolk such as Dereham, Swaffham, Downham Market and Kings Lynn, making it accessible to many more people, not just to those with cars - giving a much needed boost to the region's economy.
Norfolk, UK

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