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To: Hart District Council

Reject the plan for Lidl on Elvetham Heath

Many residents of Elvetham Heath and the surrounding area are opposed to the development of a Lidl and drive through restaurant. We want Hart District Council to reject the planning application.

Why is this important?

The proposed development would more than double the size of an existing tarmacked area and remove trees and vegetation to accommodate a supermarket, a drive-through restaurant and parking for over 170 cars.

It would:

Run counter to national and local policy and guidance which strongly supports a town centre first approach.

Harm the landscape, trees and ecology.

Increase traffic congestion throughout the entire residential development of Elvetham Heath.

Increase the already harmful levels of air pollution.

Generate increased traffic noise, plus increased noise from parking cars, delivery lorries, clattering supermarket trolleys, plus engine noise and loud music from traffic using the drive through restaurant.

Generate more litter and anti-social behaviour.

How it will be delivered

The petition will be submitted as a list of signatory names and postcodes, in electronic and hardcopy formats to Hart District Council as an input to the public consultation for the planning application.

Elvetham Heath Way, Fleet GU51, UK

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2022-10-19 16:53:46 +0100

We need everyone to submit their objection comments. I have submitted my objection document to Hart District Council. Read it here: Feel free to use the ideas, but it is not good practice to simply copy and paste. Try to come up with your own objections, or express them in different ways.

2022-10-18 20:16:45 +0100

Elvetham Heath Parish Council votes unanimously to forward its objection to Hart District Council.

2022-10-08 11:45:29 +0100

Planning application 22/01876/FUL is available on the Hart District Council planning website. Members of the public have until Wednesday 26th October to make a comment. All of us need to post our public objection comments. Read the guide:

2022-06-15 09:58:43 +0100

We've been featured in the press!

2022-06-11 20:20:30 +0100

500 signatures reached

2022-05-27 18:09:01 +0100

100 signatures reached

2022-05-27 10:17:26 +0100

50 signatures reached

2022-05-27 09:15:55 +0100

25 signatures reached

2022-05-27 07:59:49 +0100

10 signatures reached