100 signatures reached
To: The Allam Family
Removal of the #gategate

Remove the gate from a public walk path to the KCOM Stadium in Hull
Why is this important?
"The Allam Family have removed access from a public footpath to the KCOM Stadium in Hull with a large metal gate which is locked at certain times of the day and night.
They claimed they were advised by North East Counter Terrorism Unit to install the gate.
However, recently Hull City Council officials have seen this document and nowhere does it state a gate had to be installed.
Not only is this an inconvenience to the public, there is a full time college on the grounds of the stadium as well as shops which employees use the footpath to secure an easy and safe journey home.
This is important as we want the public and employees to have a safe incoming and outgoing journey to the KCOM Stadium grounds."
They claimed they were advised by North East Counter Terrorism Unit to install the gate.
However, recently Hull City Council officials have seen this document and nowhere does it state a gate had to be installed.
Not only is this an inconvenience to the public, there is a full time college on the grounds of the stadium as well as shops which employees use the footpath to secure an easy and safe journey home.
This is important as we want the public and employees to have a safe incoming and outgoing journey to the KCOM Stadium grounds."
How it will be delivered
We plan to deliver the petition to the Hull City Council via email and paper copy.