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To: Given new evidence, the Metropolitan Police should act now.

Reopen the Police Investigation into Partygate

Britain endured a long lockdown at the behest of the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson. New evidence has come to lightsince attendees have come forward to say that he both instigated and encouraged regular drinks parties ("Wine Fridays"), which staff were expected to attend. It appears that he lied both to Parliament, and the British people, flagrantly, and many times, even throwing junior staff "under the bus" to escape blame.

Why is this important?

The longer this matter goes on, the more urgent it becomes to resolve it, so the country can move on, we can restore dignity and integrity to our Politics, and stop being an international laughing stock (as we have become), enduring such apparent tawdry and criminal behaviour from a man who has brought the office of Prime Minister, and his party, into disrepute.



2022-05-25 14:09:51 +0100

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