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To: Her Majesties Government

Require 2/3rds majorities for constitutional changes

Given the requirement of a 2/3rd majority to dissolve Parliament under the Fixed Terms Parliaments Act (2011) provides a constitutional precedent, require 2/3rd majorities to effect major constitutional changes in the UK.

In particular, make it a requirement of an in/out referendum on the EU that an absolute (i.e. 66.66%) majority vote in favour of an exit.

Why is this important?

By requiring 2/3rds majority assent it will ensure that significant changes to the governance of Britain are seen as clearly legitimate. This is especially important with major changes (such as the possible exit from the EU) as many of these changes will be either irreversible, or very difficult to change back.

By requiring a 2/3rd majority on Bills before Parliament with a major constitutional affect it would also ensure that there is reasonable negotiation between parties and that such changes would reflect the interests of the public as a whole.



2015-11-28 15:07:45 +0000

50 signatures reached

2015-05-31 14:04:50 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-05-29 16:49:47 +0100

10 signatures reached