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To: Burnley Council and Local Councillors.

Residents of Burnley Against - The Local Plan 2016

We the residents of Burnley do not want our town damaging Socially, Economically and Environmentally by this Local Plan.

We want a thorough independent investigation into the Council and those involved with voting for this plan and why they failed to consult and work ethically with their electorate.

Why is this important?

Burnley Council have created a Local Plan for the Town for the next 16 years.

The Residents have not been properly consulted over many aspects of this plan over the past 6-10 years.

Local Councillors and County Councillors have failed to inform their electorate.

The Majority Labour Council have forced the Local Plan through all the voting schedules with a total disrespect for Public Opinion and disregarded comments and local public knowledge.

This Local Plan includes:-
The Destruction of Greenfield sites by development of 500+ Houses and New Factory estates.

The Building of a Gypsy Traveler site in Stoneyholme the heart of the town center next to a primary school, a new housing development and in a socially underfunded area.

The absorption of local villages such as Worsthorne & Briercliffe by speculative developers into the Town boundary.

The Destruction of Areas of Rural Natural beauty in Padiham to build warehouse space on the hillside at Shuttleworth Mead.

This creation of the Local Plan has NOT included.
Consultation with residents through the appointed working party of Councillors
Continually working with residents or groups in the town, or the setting up any resident committees.
A fully costed viable business plan to show how this plan will benefit the Town.
Alternative sites and solutions within it should the Local Plan be shown to be failing in its execution over the 16 year period - no Plan B.

The Cost of this Local Plan to the Tax Payer of Burnley is over £2million - the last plan in 2006 cost around £250,000, an 1/8 of the cost of the
2016 plan - this needs to be made public.

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2017-05-24 21:15:22 +0100

100 signatures reached

2017-05-19 17:13:07 +0100

50 signatures reached

2017-05-18 16:06:20 +0100

25 signatures reached

2017-05-18 14:27:57 +0100

10 signatures reached