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To: Claire Holland, Lambeth Council Cabinet Member Sustainable Transport, Environment and Clean Air

Restrict Heavy Goods Vehicles on Rosendale Road to improve road safety

Please sign our petition to limit the times that HGVs (large lorries) can drive on Rosendale Road. At the moment there are restrictions, but these do not include school drop off or pick up times. We believe these are key in terms of road safety.

Why is this important?

Rosendale Road is a major school route, home to two primary schools and several nurseries, with thousands of families travelling along it at key times. We suggest HGVs cannot drive on it between 7-10am or between 3-7pm.

The second phase of the Streetscape scheme is due to go ahead in the next few months, along Rosendale Road. It is great that this will improve the street for walking and cycling. But new zebra crossings will create more opportunities for pedestrians to interact with traffic. And the cycle track will narrow the roadway for motor vehicles. We believe restricting HGVs along the route seems a logical addition to the scheme, ensuring it works better as a whole.

Please sign our petition if you agree.

London Borough of Lambeth, London, UK

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2021-03-31 10:37:25 +0100

100 signatures reached

2021-03-25 15:52:32 +0000

50 signatures reached

2021-03-25 12:49:43 +0000

25 signatures reached

2021-03-25 09:35:26 +0000

10 signatures reached