To: Hywel Dda and Mark Drakeford.

Return 24 hour paediatric care to Withybush Hospital.

Return 24 hour pediatric care to our local hospital.

Why is this important?

This is a subject close to the hearts of many in Pembrokeshire. Many of us have had seriously unwell children who have had to travel over an hour to the closest hospital. This puts tremendous strain on us and our family's.

My name is Jasmine McGinley, and two of my children were born prematurely. One at 27 weeks and one at 30. Both of my children were saved by our local hospital. Freddie, born at 27 weeks was the last baby born in our SCBU before the changes came into effect. If he was born only 3 days later he would of died after birth as he wouldn't of made the hour long journey. My other son, is now traumatised due to being away from me and his father for so long. This put tramedous strain on me and my family. If we could of been in a hospital only 20 minutes away he could of been with me. Everyday, we had to make a 3 hour round trip to see our son. This is not only stressful but also adds a huge financial strain. Shortly after being discharged from hopsital Daisy, born at 30 weeks she was admitted into hospital with hypothermia, a virus and chest infection. Due to the services being taken away from us here in Pembrokeshire the local hospital did not have the equipment to help my tiny baby. A nurse stood by her side for 6 hours tickling and shaking her to stimulate her to breath and her heart to stop dropping because of the lack of equipment. This continued for 6 hours due to not having a local ambulance to transfer babies and sick children. The closest ambulance that can do so is located in Bristol. This ambulance covers from Ceredigion in west Wales to Oxfordshire. Twice within a week this ambulance had to make the long journey to collect Daisy. This is unacceptable as there is a local hospital that if we didn't face these changes she could of been treated in. We spent Christmas away from our other children due to being an hour and a half away. That in itself was heartbreaking.

There are to many heartbreaking stories from our local people due to the services being cut.

These changes are unacceptable and we need our services back. Please sign and support this petition to help save our babies and children.

Thank you.


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