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To: Immigration Minister James Brokenshire MP

Rights of spouse to live in UK

Review this case in line with an EU ruling that foreign families of EU citizens cannot be refused access to Britain and as a priority in view of David's medical support needs.

Why is this important?

David suffers a bipolar disorder, his condition is well controlled with medication and family support but oddly enough this story is not only about David, it is also about his Uganda born wife Mary (not her real name). Mary was an asylum seeker who went through the proper channels to request asylum in the UK. It was during this time that she met David and love blossomed. Mary's asylum request was refused and in 2005 she was deported from the UK separating her from David. In 2006 David pursued Mary to Uganda and they were legally married. David and Mary applied again as a married couple for Mary to be permitted to live in the UK, because of her deportation history, she was refused permission.
David has been reluctant to raise the profile of the case, for fear it might reignite problems for his wife with the authorities in Uganda, hence we have changed her name in this story.
David sought help from his local MP Rosie Cooper, she liaised with the then immigration minister Liam Byrne MP. David was advised in a letter that he had to appeal the refusal decision, but as long as their marriage was legally recognised in Uganda and the UK, there would be no problem. The case was represented by a barrister who failed to disclose the existence of the letter from Liam Byrne MP. The appeal was refused based seemingly only on the past asylum history. David has considered emigrating to Uganda, but his medical condition is not treatable in Uganda. He returns to the UK frequently for medication and the trips play havoc with his medical condition. Between visits to Uganda to be with his wife, David continues to campaign to get permission for her to enter this country legally and is currently receiving the support of John Pugh MP for Southport in his quest for justice.
Other information
In a recent EU legal case the judge ruled that foreign families of EU citizens cannot be stopped from moving to Britain
Yet David and Mary are still struggling to get justice. Please help them in their quest for fairness and justice by signing the petition.



2015-01-31 11:16:29 +0000

100 signatures reached

2015-01-29 19:22:01 +0000

50 signatures reached

2015-01-26 01:06:13 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-01-25 19:34:34 +0000

10 signatures reached