To: Royal Shakespeare Company

RSC - Don't take BP'S money

Refuse to take sponsorship money from BP

Why is this important?

Mark Rylance, the well-respected actor, has resigned as an Associate Artist of the RSC because they have done a spomsorship deal with petrochemical giant, BP.
Mark Rylance said:
“I do not wish to be associated with BP any more than I would with an arms dealer, a tobacco salesman or anyone who wilfully destroys the lives of others alive and unborn. Nor, I believe, would William Shakespeare.”
As a member of the RSC, neither do I in this time of trying to protect the planet want to see this major company who already brings in a substantial amount of money into the UK take 'thirty pieces of silver' off this international polluter.
The RSC is our institution and a major contributor to world culture. We need to say that in their position, they need to use their influence to save the planet so that future generations can enjoy their magnificent work.
Please sign if you agree.
