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To: David Cameron

Sack Dominic Peacock

Councillor Dominic Peacock has rightly been suspended for the absolutely shameful remarks he made regarding his donation to the Jo Cox fund. I feel very strongly, however, that suspension is not nearly enough to compensate for such vile behaviour. This man should be sacked immediately.

Why is this important?

Dominic Peacock is meant to be representing the public, yet how can the public respect him when he has such blatant disregard for Jo, her grieving family and the hundreds of people who loved and admired her. Jo Cox was what every MP should be: brave, kind, decent and a true humanitarian. Dominic Peacock is the total opposite and really lives up to the latter half of his surname.

In one stupid tweet he has demonstrated everything that's wrong with politicians today: there are far too few MPs like Jo Cox and way too many Dominic Peacocks - devoid of compassion and empathy, with massive egos and a total lack of common sense. I for one do not want such a pathetic excuse for a man continuing to serve the public, a role he clearly has no aptitude for and does not deserve.



2016-07-11 22:03:25 +0100

10 signatures reached