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To: Swale Borough Council, Kent County Council Highways

Safety in Church Lane, Newington, Kent, ME9

Install traffic calming measures in Church Lane, Newington as a matter of urgency.

Why is this important?

Following the most recent accident of many, and multiple near misses, we demand that Swale Borough Council install safety calming measures in Church Lane, Newington This is the main route to the village school and Church and is used by many people, from the very young to the elderly, both driving and on foot, every day.

Speed is a main factor in many of these incidents, and the usable road width is approximately no more than one car width. The lane is used by a large amount of traffic everyday; including cars, farm traffic and large lorries.

We already have the support of the Parish Council and we would like the support of both the Borough Council and the County Council to install traffic calming measures forthwith.



2016-04-02 20:30:11 +0100

100 signatures reached

2016-04-01 21:31:35 +0100

50 signatures reached

2016-04-01 19:26:51 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-04-01 18:45:46 +0100

10 signatures reached