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To: Anthony Bravo

'Safety Net' Policy to be implemented at BCoT

Implement the same 'Safety Net' policy that is being used nationwide at other establishments of higher education

Why is this important?

The situation surrounding Covid-19 has impacted the students of BCoT college considerably. Although we are receiving support from our tutors online where they can provide this, we are unable to use the facilities at the college in order to realise our projects to the best of our abilities (specifically final year’s Major Projects) as well as use physical learning facilities from the library. Many of our projects are unable to reach realisation as we are unable to access the facilities necessary and collaborate with others due the current social restrictions enforced by the UK government.

Each individual student has a different circumstance whilst at home. Whether it’s not having the money or space to use alternative methods for their projects or having to look after their own children or vulnerable family members during this pandemic. We have been told by tutors to do as much as we possibly can based on our circumstances and they will be lenient when grading. But how can we possibly put a project before the needs of our family members or our own mental wellbeing, when many of us are scared to lose loved ones due to this virus? Third year students have been working tirelessly towards showcasing their skills in their Major Projects for three years. Whatever we are able to create during this pandemic, will not be a true reflection of our abilities due to our personal circumstances, whatever they might be (mental health, finances, looking after family etc).

On the 25th March 2020, The University of Exeter announced a ‘safety net’ policy:

"Our commitment to your success given the exceptional circumstances in which you are sitting these examinations and other assessments, we have decided to introduce a ‘safety net’ policy.”

"This ‘no-detriment’ approach is as follows: so long as you would qualify to progress/graduate based on your marks obtained this year (including those in the summer assessment period), then we will ensure that your final academic year average is the same as, or higher than, the average you have attained up to Sunday 15th March. Details about how your average to 15th March will be calculated will be provided in the FAQs on our website by the end of Friday 27th March.

If you achieve higher marks in assessments submitted and examinations undertaken after Sunday 15th March then you will be able to raise your mark for the year. To repeat, as long as you qualify to pass the year, completing the summer assessments can only help not hinder you because we will not let the extraordinary circumstances in which you are completing these assessments leave you with a mark below your current overall mark."




This ‘safety net’ policy will give all students the peace of mind that the grade they receive for their last projects, will fairly reflect the work they have created over the past year. It is unfair for assessment changes to be communicated over email and the ‘safety net’ will reduce the pressure that students are feeling at this current time.

Please support college students during this uncertain, stressful time!



2020-05-07 14:57:55 +0100

50 signatures reached

2020-05-04 12:12:04 +0100

25 signatures reached

2020-04-30 13:18:00 +0100

10 signatures reached