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To: Leader of Wirral Borough Council

Safety railings at Marine Drive crossing over New Chester Road Port Sunlight

Since the new Kings Hill houses have been built in 2017 there have been no safety railings on this crossing to take into account the increase in footfall from the new community living close to the A41 (New Chester Road) and this makes pedestrians feel very unsafe and inches away from fast moving traffic and they also may have children in buggies, children crossing for school, dogs on leads etc. It has been noted that this crossing is the odd one out without any safety railings on the whole of New Chester Road which must have been a mistake when the new houses were built in 2017. There is every reason to install safety railings on both sides and the middle of the pedestrian crossing because safety railings help to protect pedestrians of all ages. There is a demand for more safety measures as the local community has increased in this area and require safe travel by foot or bike over the A41. As stated all other pedestrian crossings on New Chester Road have safety railings.

Why is this important?

This issue is close to my heart as I live on the A41 near to the crossing and have seen the difficulties with this crossing for all the residents who live either side. The pavements are busy with cyclists using half and sometimes going at speed, which decreases the space required to keep at a safe distance away from the kerb at the crossing. Sometimes the rain collects beside the crossing and cars are driving through the puddles at speed, causing pedestrians to get soaked! It is hazardous and needs to be reviewed and improved as soon as possible before there is an accident.

There is also an issue of the crossing not having an audible beeping sound when safe to cross, it takes a long time to cross safely and is wholly inadequate when compared to all other crossings on main roads and busy dual carriageways.

How it will be delivered

door to door asking for signatures
on facebook

New Chester Rd, Birkenhead, UK

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2022-08-12 19:54:47 +0100

50 signatures reached

2022-08-03 07:43:31 +0100

Crossing flooded in rain at all times where it is unusable.

2022-07-21 15:54:11 +0100

25 signatures reached

2022-07-12 18:00:56 +0100

10 signatures reached