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To: Saltaire Investments (JMCope Ltd, landlord), and UKCPM (car park operator)

Saltaire Oastler road car park management

We want a managed car park that supports local shops and those that use them:
- 20 minutes free parking without registration
- 4 hours maximum stay during working hours.
- Free parking 6pm-8am to allow residents’ visitors
- Clearly worded signs, visible at entrance and lit when dark.
- A paper receipt for any payment made

Why is this important?

The car park is essential for local shops and services to thrive and its management heavily impacts local residents and businesses. After a previous car park firms unsuccessful attempt at management of the Oastler Road car park, we in the local community are keen to have our say in the management a second time around.

Oastler Road, Shipley

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2020-01-26 19:28:11 +0000

100 signatures reached

2020-01-26 11:09:18 +0000

50 signatures reached

2020-01-26 09:55:22 +0000

25 signatures reached

2020-01-26 09:26:12 +0000

10 signatures reached