To: Trade union usdaw and employment tribunal

Save 3000 Sainsbury's staff from redundancy

Photo by Rubaitul Azad on Unsplash
Stop Sainsbury's making experienced staff redundant and keep them employed within the business. 

Why is this important?

It is important to keep staff and not make them unemployed. 
Many staff have been told in order to steem line business operations they will be making many staff redundant. This is not only due to Sainsbury's closing of cafes, but some other counters, the reduction of checkouts and the increase of self service tills. It is also having a large effect on many of the Argos staff. There are many staff members that have worked for the company for over 10 years that are good at what they do. Only to be told making room to train new people. All staff are an asset to the company so it sadness me to think my colleagues and I will be unemployed. 
Spalding, UK

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