Dear Dr Musgrave,
Please don't close down our A&E department, the Intensive Care Unit, children's services and emergency surgery at Trafford General, birthplace of our NHS. We need these vital services.
Why is this important?
Patients will face longer journeys to A&E at other hospitals in Manchester and longer delays for treatment because these hospitals are already working well above their planned capacity. Patients lives in Trafford will be put at risk if they are stuck in traffic jams when they need emergency care. And loved ones face longer, more expensive journeys to visit patients in hospitals outside the borough. See
How it will be delivered
We will invite Dr Musgrave and his colleagues, Dr Nigel Guest,Trafford GP and interim chief clinical officer,Trafford Shadow Clinical Commissioning Group and Leila Williams Director of service transformation, NHS Greater Manchester, to receive the petition formally and invite the press to witness the event.