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To: Chief Executive of Liverpool City Council, Tony Reeves

Save Aigburth Cricket Club

21/09/21 We won!

I am delighted to announce the fantastic news that the club is safe for the time being after agreeing a new 5 year lease with the owners yesterday. We will continue to work with a view to acquiring long term security, but for now the threat of immediate closure has gone.

Thank you all for your support, and for showing such love for our fabulous local Cricket and Bowls Club.

Very best wishes

Everyone at Aigburth Cricket and Bowls Club.

We the undersigned call on you to use any powers at your disposal to secure the future of Aigburth Cricket and Bowls Club

Why is this important?

A much loved local sports club is at threat of being forced from its grounds after nearly 140 years because their landlord is refusing to extend its lease.

The club has over 400 members, most of whom live within a mile of the club.

There are two cricket teams that play every Saturday, and many “Last Man Stands” matches played on weekday evenings (this is a shortened version of cricket aimed at getting more people involved in the sport).

The bowls section is very strong with 10 teams playing from the club every week, 2 of these are pensioners teams, playing in the afternoons. The other 8 teams play on weekday evenings and Saturday afternoon, all teams have men and lady members.

Apart from the outdoor sports, there are many other activities, the very well attended chess club meets every Wednesday and has 5 teams playing in the Liverpool Chess Leagues.

There are three quiz teams that use the club as a base, playing in the Liverpool Quiz League. On Thursdays the club has a darts team in the Dingle & District Darts League.

The Cribbage team plays their league games on Wednesday nights.

All the above activities take place on a home & away basis. This means that when we play the fixtures, we are supporting the local facilities & injecting money into the local economy

The Formby Brass Band are based at the club. Despite their name all its members live in Liverpool, many of them close to the club. A number of the band have gained scholarships in universities around the country adding kudos to the cultural aspect of Liverpool

During the summer months, we host Options for supported living. The group get tuition in bowls, quoits, enjoy the fresh air & meeting other people

The club also hosts an art class which takes place during the day on Wednesdays.

The club is also used by the following organizations.

Friends of St Michaels station.

Dingle Vale Allotment Society.

Southwood Road Residents Association

The local Labour Party.

The local Green Party.

The local pigeon fanciers.

This wide range of social & sporting activities highlight the importance of the club in the local & wider area of Liverpool.

It would be a devastating loss to the local community if this cherished local club is lost because an absentee landlord prefers to try to increase its value for personal gain.

We call on the Chief Executive of Liverpool City Council to utilise every power available to secure the clubs long term future.
Liverpool, UK

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL


2021-09-22 09:50:33 +0100

Petition is successful with 9,065 signatures

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500 signatures reached

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100 signatures reached

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50 signatures reached

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10 signatures reached