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To: Dartmoor National Park Authority

Save Ashburton Railway Station

Include the Railway Station Building as a protected Building (and re-list as a listed building) as part of the Chuley Road Master Plan.
For details see

Why is this important?

This is a unique terminus building with a roof attributed to I K Brunel. It was built before 1872 when the line from Totnes to Ashburton was opened. It was taken over by the Dart Valley Railway in 1965 but because the A38 Dual carriageway was about to be build on the track bed between Ashburton and Buckfastleigh this was not part of the Light Railway order of April 1969. It then became a garage (Station Garage) which is likely to be closed in the future and the building and the area around it developed. It is not a listed building but is of historical importance. It needs protection from demolition.
See for information
If you wish to write to Dartmoor National Park Authority please still do so.

How it will be delivered

The original petition was delivered in person on Thursday 11th December 2014 - the day before the last day to receive comments on the Master Plan. The Master Plan has now gone back for further Consultation and I intend to re-submit the petition with the extra 800 plus signatures (to date) added.

Ashburton, Devon

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL



2015-02-28 07:17:35 +0000

Public Meeting 28th February in Ashburton - TODAY
There is a Public Meeting at 6.30pm on Saturday 28th February (St Lawrence Chapel, almost opposite Ashburton station), and we need you to come along. It’s an opportunity for the Friends of Ashburton Station to give the local community an overview of our ambitions, and also to present some of the work they have been doing in the bid to persuade DNP Planners to alter their development plan for the station site.
The campaign is now at a very crucial stage to prevent development which may compromise the station’s future potential, and it’s likely there are more tough challenges ahead. Please do come along and show your support, and find out what you can do to help the cause.

2015-02-04 15:32:20 +0000

This Building is STILL under threat and will continue to be until it is listed to protect it.
Please write to DNPA and Ashburton Town Council requesting that DNPA Spot List this important building!

2015-01-13 17:32:35 +0000

Ashburton Town Council have a Presentation by Alasdair Page, chair of Friends of Ashburton at tonight's (13th January 2015) Full Council Meeting.
Petition still being signed and up to 2,462.
We particularly need support from Ashburton residents to contact the Town Council about what they want for the station's future.
Also please join the Friends of Ashburton Station.

2014-12-12 13:56:35 +0000

Final number delivered to DNPA is 2,146 but the petition is still running so I can keep interested parties informed of the progress.
I have also sent a copy to SD Railway as they are interested in the statistics of how many of the signatories are local.
(NB own check of petition shows just under 150 (148) are TQ13 [Ashburton Postcode] and over 400 (432) are local Devon [TQ, EX or PL postcode]. ALL others are UK postcodes with NONE from abroad.

2014-12-11 23:32:51 +0000

2000 reached about 30 minutes ago - will now close the petition at noon tomorrow (Friday) and present it to DNPA tomorrow afternoon. Well done everyone. Let see just how high it can go in the next 12 hours and join
to help safeguard it's future.

2014-12-10 23:29:38 +0000

Changed to target from 1,000 to 2,000 as there was a 500 jump in the last 24 hours. Petition has now reached 1,490.
Lots of Youtube video of the station when the trains were running.
Plus a piece on an N Gauge model of the station.

2014-12-09 21:59:25 +0000

1,000 signatures reached

2014-12-05 23:13:24 +0000

New web site set up to join and express an interest in the new Friends of Ashburton Station group beyond just the previous Facebook Page. Keep signing the petition and sending to friends and relatives. Still hope to top 1,000 before it closes in 6 days time.
Keep coming back for more updates and information and save the above web site on your desktop.

2014-12-04 10:13:52 +0000

Article in today's Herald Express Thursday 4th December. The Friends of Ashburton Station group was set up several months ago on Facebook and the present more formal group came about through railway enthusiasts meeting in Ashburton at the instigation of Alasair Page (not myself).

2014-12-04 00:13:17 +0000

Meeting of "Friends of Ashburton Station" at the St Lawrence Chapel this Friday at 7 pm.

2014-11-26 11:44:47 +0000

Great support from the Railway Fraternity
See link below for an article by Jeff Vintner in the Railway Ramblers online post which mentions just how important and unique this building is:-

2014-11-26 11:23:42 +0000

Do not let this happen
Ashburton NZ Railway Station WAS demolished.
Article about our station in Thursday's Herald Express (next week)?

2014-11-23 20:58:55 +0000

500 signatures reached

2014-11-20 08:48:58 +0000

100 signatures reached

2014-11-19 14:49:57 +0000

50 signatures reached