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To: Mr J Cawley, Director of Planning and Cultural Heritage, Snowdonia National Park

Save Beddgelert Forest campsite

Refuse planning application NP2/11/31G - Beddgelert Forest campsite - Redevelopment of existing touring and camping site (195 pitches) to provide 25 timber cabins and 55 camping pitches for all year round occupation together with ancillary works.

Why is this important?

Beddgelert Forest Campsite is set within the glorious mountain scenery of Snowdonia and is in the heart of the Snowdonia National Park. It has been providing outdoor lovers with an opportunity to enjoy the area since the 1930’s. That may now be about to change….

Forest Holidays (a joint venture between the Forestry Commission and the private equity firm LDC) have submitted a planning application to Snowdonia National Park, proposing the redevelopment of the site. The proposal will result in the loss of 75% of the existing camping pitches (from 195 down to 55) and the creation of 25 permanent timber houses. The redeveloped site will also offer onsite hot snacks, breakfasts, coffee and bar facilities.

Since 2013, over 1000 camping pitches have been lost at Forest Holiday locations throughout the UK. Whilst this may benefit the small number of people able to afford up to £4395/week cost to stay there, the vast majority of visitors to the Beddgelert site will lose a facility that has provided all-year round, low cost accommodation for nearly 80 years.

The community of Beddgelert is largely dependent on tourism and this will have a significant impact on the village. Our concerns are that this is likely to lead to:
• A loss of affordable and accessible camping within the Snowdonia National Park
• A detrimental social and economic impact for the community of Beddgelert.

For more detail about this development, please see a community document at or the actual planning application at

The application is due for consideration by the National Park on 1-March and all objections have to be received by 10-February. So, if you wish to support us then please sign our petition. And, if you have time, please also send your objections directly to Snowdonia National Park using the link above.

UPDATE 28-Feb: Please note that Snowdonia National Park have delayed consideration of the proposal until 5-April. In addition, we have learned that Forest Holidays have submitted two major changes to the proposal in the last few days:
1. The proposed number of cabins has been reduced from 25 to 19.
2. They no longer plan to drain the hot tubs directly to the forest floor, but will now install an additional treatment works to process the foul water.

There will still be a reduction in the number of camping and caravan pitches so the potential impact to visitors doesn't change - if you want to stay in Beddgelert Forest campsite outside of the winter months, do it soon - or object, object, object (go to and "Comment on this application") !

UPDATE 13-April: Forest Holidays have again resubmitted their application, further reducing the number of cabins to 16 with up to 59 touring pitches and 26 camping pitches. Note the words "up to...". They are carefully chosen.

There will be a site visit by the National Park Planning Committee on 21-April and then the proposal will be considered at their meeting on 24-May.

We have also been advised by the National Park that all original objections are now void (as they related to a different number of cabins/pitches) and any objections have to be resubmitted. So, if you're checking up on this petition - or reading it for the first time, PLEASE state (or restate) your objections by going to and clicking on "Comment on this application".

Thank you for all your support.

Thank you.
Beddgelert Campsite

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2017-01-28 13:50:59 +0000

1,000 signatures reached

2017-01-27 22:48:23 +0000

500 signatures reached

2017-01-27 18:20:21 +0000

100 signatures reached

2017-01-27 17:35:25 +0000

50 signatures reached

2017-01-27 16:56:30 +0000

25 signatures reached

2017-01-27 16:05:17 +0000

10 signatures reached