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To: Thomas Pocklington Trust London

Save Birmingham Vision

Thomas Pocklington Trust have decided to end the funding for Birmingham Vision which provides social and leisure activities, awareness training, employment support, eye clinic liaison, Information, Advice and Guidance, social activities and sport. Service users are devastated to be losing this service (the only centrally based service in the UK) and have become less isolated and made many friends through attending social events and training. We believe that the CEO of Thomas Pocklington and the Trustees of Birmingham Vision should re-consider and look into other funding streams.

Birmingham Vision is a registered charity that works with visually impaired people and their families. Our aim is to ensure that people living with a visual impairment in Birmingham can lead active and fulfilled lives. We were established in April 2015 and are based in Birmingham City Centre.
The dedicated team can provide the answers to your questions; signpost you to support groups, offer advice for family and carers or make a referral for you to access support from one of our partner organisations. If you or someone you know is visually impaired, we’re here to help.

The Social Inclusion Coordinator arranges regular trips to various places in and around Birmingham, as well as holding monthly groups such as 10 pin bowling, a Pub Night and a coffee morning.
Our Sports Coordinator offers a wide range of sports and leisure activities for all ages that suit every fitness level and ability. Our sports programme is busy and varied all year round which not only serves as an opportunity to increase your fitness, but also gives you a chance to get out of the house and meet new people.
Our dedicated Eye Clinic Liaison Officer (ECLO) works at the Birmingham Midland Eye Centre. You may be referred to him at the hospital if your sight is deteriorating or after a diagnosis, or you can request and appointment yourself. The ECLO is there to support you and your family.
We believe that sight loss doesn’t mean job loss. Our Employment Coordinator will support employees, employers and job seekers to access all the help and information available.

Why is this important?

Service users says: "This is awful news. Birmingham vision has been providing fantastic services to people with sight loss in Birmingham and is the only remaining centrally based Sight loss organisation."

" I have enjoyed all of the social activities and all of the sporting opportunities that were made possible by them and if it wasn’t for him, I would never have had the opportunity to go driving, walk out onto Villa Park twice, take part in activities such as foot golf and cricket and the  The fact that he brought me out of the social isolation I was in before I signed up as a service user back in 2016 My thanks also goes out to the wonderful person who put on wonderful social events during the last three summers and kept the pub night going for everyone to enjoy and this was a great social hub as I had met people there who I’m still communicating with now and I’m sure that they will use their social and independence skills to go out and enjoy life. When I first read this post, the first thing came to my mind was that there will be a lot of empty days in the new decade and this will hit home during the summer months as without the great service that Birmingham vision provides, there will be very little opportunity to enjoy the events that I have mentioned in my post and this is a great shame because Thomas Pocklington have buried the people that it once encouraged to flourish and be confident and independent and I can’t imagine life without the services of Birmingham vision and the company of their excellent staff."

"This is truly heartbreaking! I volunteered once with the pub quiz and really saw what great work you do. What is to become of all the social isolation that this might bring? I can't really understand how such an important group is not worthy of funding. Just sad."

This is so sad Birmingham Vision work so hard and have helped me and so many other Visually impaired people to deal with living with sight loss. I have made lots of friends through all the events that have been organised . They have made me not feel so isolated.
I feel for all the staff that have worked so hard. I am going to miss this group so much!!"

"I am totally shocked to hear this sad news! Without Birmingham Vision I would not have the confidence I have today. The wonderful staff have shown us that being visually impaired doesn't mean we have to feel isolated. I too have made some great friendships through the groups, and days out that the hard working staff have arranged for us. Thank you so much for your hard work. ❤"

"I can honestly say I’ve really enjoyed getting to know every single person every single member of staff you are all amazing Birmingham Vision chose my life and helped me so much and made good friends with all the staff and many of the service users I have gained lots of confidence and getting out and about and everyone has as well we will all miss you as you are all lovely people and being in your company is always a great pleasure".

"OMFG! Are you freakin' kidding me? WHY is it not worth the funding?
This group has given me a social life, provided opportunities to visit places & most importantly make new friends including all the staff. It is OUR little community, don't we have a say?"

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL



2019-12-31 12:37:40 +0000

The Birmingham vision Office officially closes today. We still want to submit this petition to Thomas Pocklington Trust to let them know how upset and disappointed we are at their failure to maintain a centrally based and accessible hub to provide services to people with a visual impairment .

Can you please keep sharing this petition ?

2019-10-18 00:08:27 +0100

Over 150 signatures in less than 24 hours! Thank you all so much! Please keep up the good work and spread the word! If you want to write to Thomas Pocklington Trust to express your displeasure their contact details are:
Tavistock House South (Entrance D)
Tavistock Square

Phone: 02089 950 880

Email: [email protected]

2019-10-17 15:39:22 +0100

100 signatures reached

2019-10-17 09:47:50 +0100

50 signatures reached

2019-10-17 07:13:52 +0100

25 signatures reached

2019-10-16 23:10:03 +0100

10 signatures reached