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To: Local Council and Government

Save Castle Point Green Belt

Maintain all Green Belt and Woodlands as they are for future generations without threats of Development

Why is this important?

Green Belt Woodland are the home for many animals and birds and provide great relaxation pleasure for everyone living within built up areas. We should all have Green Belt and woodlands within walking distance.

How it will be delivered

Stage a Press Conference and involve Councillors and MP etc

Castle Point District SS7 3EW

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2021-02-22 16:14:52 +0000

1,000 signatures reached

2021-02-21 19:52:16 +0000

500 signatures reached

2017-02-19 10:16:22 +0000

As many will already know the woods protection was upgraded to a Woodland Order so the woodsafe safe from attack by the Landgrabbers. Thanks to everyone for their support. Protect Green Belt everywhere.

2015-03-11 19:12:29 +0000

Great progress may be due to Echo Letter " Ban all Green Belt Development". Hope to gain high number of signatures and send results to ALL Castle Point Councilors, Council Officers, MP's and hopefully get it published in the Echo. Please encourage friends to sign too

2015-03-11 18:34:29 +0000

100 signatures reached

2015-03-11 13:26:26 +0000

50 signatures reached

2015-03-10 10:48:56 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-03-09 01:01:18 +0000

10 signatures reached