According to the Derby Community Parks Officer the clearance has stopped for now.
He recognises that bird nests are disturbed after March 1st even though their work was carried out two weeks into March.
He says "The saving the view project did not require planning permission as it was a small scale project and did not need an Environmental Impact Assessment." It is however part of a plan to open up Darley Park as it was in the nineteenth century. So probably more habitat loss as it becomes a neat and tidy grassland .
The Environmental Impact Study done for the flood defences on the opposite side of the river Derwent notes that the bank is a wildlife corridor for bats, small mammals, reptiles, birds and otters.
It seems that we have no recourse to policy change.
Our only hope is to involve our elected representatives wherever we are when we see wildlife areas being destroyed and get in early with protests.
Thank you for caring.
Angela Russell