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To: Lancashire County Council

Save Lancashire Wellbeing Service!

Please reconsider the proposal to "scrap" Lancashire Wellbeing Service which has supported over 33,000 people to improve their health and happiness and reduced health inequalities across the county over the last 3 years.

Why is this important?

Lancashire County Council (LCC) are proposing to scrap the Lancashire Wellbeing Service. This service helps thousands of people with mental health, emotional wellbeing and long term health conditions.

In its own report, LCC said that scrapping Lancashire Wellbeing Service is likely to result in increased pressure on already overstretched NHS, social care, emergency and voluntary sector services and the likelihood that there will be a lower life expectancy particularly, for people living in areas of disadvantage across the county.

The government has just said that in 2019 it aims to target prevention of ill-health, community health care and improving mental health, all of which are have been key focuses for LWS. And an independent review concluded that LWS has provided excellent social return on the investment by the local authority,

The council are having a budget meeting on the 14th of February, and there are rumours that the Lancashire Wellbeing Service will be discussed. We need to show them that the service is worth the money and vital to our community.

Please sign the petition to say that you strongly oppose the proposal to scrap the Lancashire Wellbeing Service.

Let's make public health a priority in Lancashire by saving Lancashire Wellbeing Service!


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2019-01-21 21:03:37 +0000

25 signatures reached

2019-01-21 20:30:26 +0000

10 signatures reached