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To: Secretary of State for education Rt Hon Damian Hinds

Save Littlegreen School

Request Ofsted visit Littlegreen Special School, Compton and perform a short inspection of the school so a forced academy order can be revoked

Why is this important?

In November 2017 Ofsted graded Littlegreen School as inadequate. New legislation requires that inadequate schools become subject of an academy order. However, if the school is inspected again and has improved meaning the inadequate grade removed before a sponsor is found the order will be lifted.

Littlegreen School is a special school for boys. It was rated Good by ofsted in 2012 but recieved no interim short inspection prior to the inspection in 2017. During those 5 years there were numerous changes in leadership and the schools performance started slipping unbeknown to ofsted as they hadn't checked the school.

The current headteacher took her post in September 2017 just prior to the Ofsted inspection. She had to immediately make numerous changes after discovering serious concerns with safeguarding and the running of the school. These changes caused a lot of upset amongst the boys who struggle with change but they were necessary changes.

So here we are now, the boys are settling down and understanding the new rules. The school improvement plan data shows marked improvements in school. An academy trust is showing an interest in taking the school over. We do not feel this is in the best interests of our boys. They will have to cope with more changes just as they are settling down, this is not good for children with SEN. We do not want our small unique school to become part of a business. The academy will make changes to staff which will affect the boys massively. The headteacher will no longer be required as the trust has one Executive Headteacher covering all the schools within the trust. This is not fair on the boys to lose a leader they are starting to bond with and not fair on a head who hasn't been given chance to bring the school back to a good rating.

We want Ofsted to come back and inspect our school and see the improvements so the academy order can be lifted. Schools should not be forced to academise!



2018-04-29 07:43:53 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2018-04-05 21:46:30 +0100

500 signatures reached

2018-04-02 20:20:07 +0100

100 signatures reached

2018-04-02 18:43:57 +0100

50 signatures reached

2018-04-02 17:26:44 +0100

25 signatures reached

2018-04-02 16:54:25 +0100

10 signatures reached