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To: Maesteg Town Council


Maesteg Town Council - Please engage with the people of Maesteg and find out what effect this will have on our community before any work is carried out. As a mark of respect we ask that you now listen to the conscience of the people of Maesteg before any further railroading. We need to be informed openly of exactly what is happening. We need to have a say in the proposed design. As officials who serve us you have a duty to show us this courtesy. YES to the Town Hall investment but NO to the assumption that our views do not matter.

Why is this important?

This is a matter of historic principle. This is a cultural landmark that provides Maesteg with a part of its social identity. There has been a cultural genocide unleashed upon the citizens of the Llynfi Valley when our mine working infrastructure (buildings, railways etc.) were ripped out. Our schools and stonework taken out too. "Ground Zero" now at the old Ewenny factory site as well. All have added to the trauma and social decay. Our miners and others sacrificed to give us our Town Hall. They designed our present heritage. We need to keep not only their spirit but our community spirit alive too.

Maesteg. Llynfi Valley

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2019-09-23 17:02:13 +0100

10 signatures reached