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To: Lloyd Russell-Moyle MP and Brighton and Hove CCG

Save Meadow Parade Doctor's Surgery

To guarantee the continuing presence of a doctors surgery at Meadow Parade after the planned spring review.
To restore surgery hours to two surgeries per day.
To continue to provide a full service for local people.

Why is this important?

Local doctor's surgeries are being closed at an alarming rate. This has happened at short notice, and with no consultation with patients. This denies us access to a local surgery. Meadow Parade surgery will only be open in mornings from now on, with a review in spring which may lead to it closing altogether, leaving NO doctors surgery in Rottingdean. The nearest will be in Saltdean, which is difficult and inconvenient for local people, especially the elderly and infirm, to get to.

Rottingdean, Brighton

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2017-11-02 19:12:51 +0000

50 signatures reached

2017-11-02 18:15:35 +0000

25 signatures reached

2017-11-02 17:37:47 +0000

10 signatures reached