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To: Professor Dunkley-Bent ( NHS England) Matt Hancock (Health and Social Care Secretary)

A Midwife for me: finance and deliver continuity of carer now!

We call upon the Health Secretary, NHS England and CCGs across the country to listen to women and midwives alike and actively intervene to ensure that midwifery practice models are commissioned, adequately supported, and protected. This is not currently happening.

Why is this important?

Better Births, the report of the National Maternity Review, set out a vision for maternity services in England which are safe and personalised. It puts the needs of the women, their babies and their families at the heart of care, with staff who are supported to deliver high quality care which is continuously improving. At the heart of this vision is the idea that women should have continuity of the person looking after them before, during and after the birth, as evidence shows that this leads to safer outcomes for mothers and babies (cf references below).

This Continuity of Care and relationship between care giver and receiver has also been proven to offer a more positive and personal experience and was the single most commonly requested change to the maternity services by women during the National Maternity Review. Research such as the Lancet series* has demonstrated that with Continuity of Carer models, women are less likely to experience preterm birth, and fewer babies die before birth (miscarry or are stillborn). Over time, Continuity of Carer models show a cost saving to the NHS as fewer women and babies need to be treated for physical and mental injuries caused by more traditional care models.

Better Births found that some women were receiving this Continuity of Carer model, and recommended that NHS England should roll out this model to a minimum of 20% of women by March 2019, and the majority of women by 2021**.

Despite this strong evidence, most CCGs have not commissioned the pioneering midwifery practices offering this model of care, preferring to stick with the less safe status quo. Where Continuity of Carer has been commissioned, commissioners have not ensured that the structure around the commission is robust to support the service’s sustainability, and uncompetitive opposition to these pathfinder services by existing Trust services is common.

This petition stands in solidarity with Neighbourhood Midwives, the pioneering midwifery practice which was forced to close, and the over 300 women who are suddenly without their known and trusted midwife and are having to transfer their care to an already pressured service.

How can we promise Continuity of Carer to women across the country, before, during and after birth, (which delivers the outcomes the NHS declares it wants to see), when we shut the door to a service such as Neighbourhood Midwives which has shown exemplary outcomes for both mother and baby, and the similar service offered by One to One Midwifery faces a constant barrage of opposition from within the NHS?

This is not acceptable. We want real change. And so we sign this petition.

*The Lancet Series:
**Better Births’ Continuity of Carer information:



2019-02-07 14:45:52 +0000

100 signatures reached

2019-02-06 08:34:47 +0000

50 signatures reached

2019-02-05 22:10:43 +0000

25 signatures reached

2019-02-05 20:50:24 +0000

10 signatures reached