Please do not approve planning application 23/00060/FUL for the change of use of paddock to provide 8 permanent residential occupation and 2 amenity buildings. The loss of green belt, open green space & greenfield sites for development negatively affects the environment, releasing carbon from the land & losing the ability to capture new carbon. Wildlife and plant life are already under stress and are displaced & the loss of green spaces has a negative effect on communities and their wellbeing. The location proposed in this application is a toad migratory route and supports biodiversity and local wildlife. The access road to the proposed location for development is also under huge stress and the addition of 16 additional vehicles/car park spaces can cause further pollution and the likelihood of increased road accidents. It is more concerning as the proposed development is opposite a local school that is already oversubscribed.
Why is this important?
Please sign this petition to object and refuse permission for planning application 23/00060/FUL for development behind Appleby Lodge situated between Clay Lane and Barnby Road. The proposed development will have a great effect upon our local environment, contribute to pollution and in turn impact local residents. Development should take place on brown sites or utilise existing developed locations that can be reused. This is particularly important as local greenfield land, paddocks, farm land, trees and wild flowers, biodiversity need protection now to create a healthy environment. Post covid, more and more residents are enjoying outdoor space and it is essential we can retail the natural and green open space in Newark. All permissions for development on the proposed location and between Barnby Road and Clay Lane should be refused and no further permissions for removing green open space be granted. This petition will be sent to NSDC planning in order for them to respect the community feedback and recommendation this planning application is refused.