1,000 signatures reached
To: Wirral Borough Council
Save Noctorum Field
Reject Birkenhead School’s outline planning application to build 33 plus houses on it’s Noctorum Road/Lane playing field.
To help local residents, walkers, environmentalists and other concerned stakeholders to preserve the special character of the green oasis along the Noctorum Ridge public footpath networks for future generations of Birkenhead.
To help local residents, walkers, environmentalists and other concerned stakeholders to preserve the special character of the green oasis along the Noctorum Ridge public footpath networks for future generations of Birkenhead.
Why is this important?
The green heritage eco-corridor along Noctorum Ridge was a gift to our town and region from Birkenhead’s civic minded ancestors who created this area for the enjoyment and well-being of the townsfolk and children who would follow them. The built environments and planted trees and created urban green scapes to gift nature the town. Safeguarding Noctorum Field from current unnecessary proposals to build 33 houses on it Is recognition of the custodian task entrusted to us by our forebears. The climate emergency makes saving this long established and rare urban green space a duty our younger generation would not forgive us for shirking.