500 signatures reached
To: Local Wiltshire Councillors and MPs
Save our buses

The government and Wiltshire Council ,are about to make the most savage cuts to the local bus network that have ever been seen. 50 per cent of bus services are supported by Wiltshire Council. Any cuts will leave thousands of local residents without any form of transport unless they are lucky enough to own there own transport.
Buses are the most frequently used form of public transport. Day in and day out they link thousands of people up and down the county to jobs, schools and shops.
However, Wiltshire Council spending cuts will have a devastating effect on our vital bus services. Across the county vital buses will be axed by local Conservative Councillors as they make final decisions which rural and town services will be axed.however before making there final decision they should take the following into account.
64 per cent of jobseekers either have no access to a vehicle or cannot drive
Young people are amongst the biggest users of bus services , whilst 40 per cent of people over 60 use the bus at least once a week
Passenger cars produce nearly 60 per cent of all CO2 emissions from road transport in the UK, compared with just 5 per cent from buses
If drivers switched just one in twenty five of their car journeys to bus or coach, it would mean one billion fewer car journeys per year
Every £1 of public investment in buses provides between £3 and £5 of wider benefits
Bus commuters generate £64 billion in economic output every year
The biggest problem is that few if any of these Councillors that will decided the fate of our bus network in Wiltshire will have never set foot on a bus.
Councillor Terry Chivers
Independent Member
Take action!
Take action!
Tell your MP why buses are important.
Buses are the most frequently used form of public transport. Day in and day out they link thousands of people up and down the county to jobs, schools and shops.
However, Wiltshire Council spending cuts will have a devastating effect on our vital bus services. Across the county vital buses will be axed by local Conservative Councillors as they make final decisions which rural and town services will be axed.however before making there final decision they should take the following into account.
64 per cent of jobseekers either have no access to a vehicle or cannot drive
Young people are amongst the biggest users of bus services , whilst 40 per cent of people over 60 use the bus at least once a week
Passenger cars produce nearly 60 per cent of all CO2 emissions from road transport in the UK, compared with just 5 per cent from buses
If drivers switched just one in twenty five of their car journeys to bus or coach, it would mean one billion fewer car journeys per year
Every £1 of public investment in buses provides between £3 and £5 of wider benefits
Bus commuters generate £64 billion in economic output every year
The biggest problem is that few if any of these Councillors that will decided the fate of our bus network in Wiltshire will have never set foot on a bus.
Councillor Terry Chivers
Independent Member
Take action!
Take action!
Tell your MP why buses are important.
Why is this important?
So many Wiltshire residents will be left without any form of transport if these savage cuts go unchallenged.