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Please do not allow the reclamation (filling in) of Holyheads Historic Inner Harbour, (Pelham Patch) a Class II Listed structure, built in 1810.

Why is this important?

Holyhead Harbours proposed port expansion by STENA, includes the RECLAMATION of the INNER HARBOUR, including destroying the HISTORIC CLASS II LISTED HARBOUR WALL. As well as destroying the history of Holyhead, the port and all its NOISE/POLLUTION will be even CLOSER to local RESIDENTS. We urge the government to rethink the proposals and expand the port further out to sea away from residential areas. The current levels of noise/pollution are already unpleasant to live with, DISTURBING SLEEP and the smell of DIESEL FUMES inside houses. The proposed plans for the new reclaimed land will be used to store Lorry Trailers, which will be very unsightly to the very important tourist trade, deeply affecting local businesses. PLEASE STOP THIS HAPPENING.

Holyhead & Isle of Anglesey

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2020-03-16 17:31:46 +0000

Hi All,
Please copy and paste the letter below, sign your own name & email to [email protected]. Thank you all for your help and time, very much appreciated.

Dear Planning,
Please find my concerns below with regard to the proposed port expansion at Holyhead.
1. Increase in noise and environmental pollutions for residential areas in and around the port.
2. Destruction of Historical Grade II listed harbour wall structure and buildings
3. Marine Square deemed an area of IMPORTANT VIEWS, as per the Holyhead Beach Conservation Area Appendix IX
4. Traffic Congestion increase at Black Bridge
5. The Environmental Impact on wildlife.

Kindly confirm receipt of my email.
Yours sincerely,

2020-03-10 15:09:48 +0000

Hi All
Thank you all for signing.
The application for the reclamation of Pelham Patch and Salt Island has now been sent to the Welsh Government. We now have until Friday 27th March 2020 to make our representations (objections) to the planning inspectorate.
The person to email is Gareth Harvey, email address [email protected]. Phone number 0303 444 5940.
For information about the application click on the link below.
To get a Public Enquiry, we need to send emails. I am going to post a standard email on this site, so to save everyones time, you will only have to copy and paste the email and put your own signature, etc. This is a massive development for Holyhead and Anglesey, lets make sure we get a say in it.
Best regards

2019-05-29 21:55:05 +0100

100 signatures reached

2019-05-29 18:14:36 +0100

50 signatures reached

2019-05-29 16:14:44 +0100

25 signatures reached

2019-05-29 15:07:56 +0100

10 signatures reached