10 signatures reached
To: Nicky Morgan MP
Save Our Schools From Privatisation

To preserve the nation's schools as public property.
NOT to turn schools into academies which will result in the title deeds of schools and the land being transferred to private companies.
NOT to turn schools into academies which will result in the title deeds of schools and the land being transferred to private companies.
Why is this important?
A fair and inclusive education system is our right in a democratic society. Gradually this is being taken away from us with continuing funding cuts in FE, cutting out whole sections of society from the opportunity to an education. Fee paying HE students have a future of debt. And now, schools are being targeted as a source of profit.
Everyone at whatever age should be able to gain an education without having to pay a profit making organisation. If schools are turned into academies it will only be a matter of time before all citizens of the UK will have to pay for their education throughout the whole of their lives. There will be no accountability, standards or commitment by these academies to serve the public interest and invest back into society with educated citizens. Tax payers will see all their hard earned taxes benefiting private interests only, and not society as a whole.
Everyone at whatever age should be able to gain an education without having to pay a profit making organisation. If schools are turned into academies it will only be a matter of time before all citizens of the UK will have to pay for their education throughout the whole of their lives. There will be no accountability, standards or commitment by these academies to serve the public interest and invest back into society with educated citizens. Tax payers will see all their hard earned taxes benefiting private interests only, and not society as a whole.