Petition is successful with 1,072 signatures
To: Dorset Council CEO
Save Pets Haven kennels from unjust imminent closure
18 December update: Mr and Mrs Grant have this afternoon heard that they have now been granted a one year licence by Dorset Council, commencing 1 January 2024. This means that they can continue operating, and will now not be forced to close on 31 December as had previously been the case.
Previously, Dorset Council had, at last, on Tuesday 12 December, carried out an inspection of the kennels. This should have occurred 2 months ago when Mr Grant originally applied for a new licence to commence 1 January.
The inspection team on 12 December had stated that they were unaware of the challenge to Dorset Council's interpretation of the Regulations 2018 and associated DERFA statutory guidelines regarding the issue of a lack of integral exercise runs for each kennel and the statutory guidance that allows for multiple exercise opportunities in lieu of integral runs. It seems Dorset Council has now recognised its earlier erroneous interpretation of the DEFRA guidelines, and have accordingly dropped their previous intransigent position.
Mr and Mrs Grant are now, with immediate effect, accepting further business throughout 2024.
This petition relating to Dorset Council's previously declared intention to close the kennels on 1 January without an inspection was sent to the CEO Dorset Council on Tuesday 5 December; at that stage it had attracted 817 signatures since it was launched 3 days beforehand. It was accompanied by a report amplifying the detail contained in the petition, demonstrating exactly why the Council’s original position was in breach of the DEFRA guidance for boarding kennels, and thus unwarranted and unjust.
The owners of Pets Haven kennels would again like to express their profound appreciation to all who supported the petition. As would all the dogs currently boarding there, and which can board there in 2024. Your involvement meant that Dorset Council was unable to ignore the issue.