10,000 signatures reached
To: Poole Council
Save Poole Park Railway

Save Poole Park Railway track.
Why is this important?
Update from Chris Bullen Guys we are now preparing a face book page and a petition outlining the truth.. this will be the official page about not saving the railway or even fundraising it is about saving the track. The council have demanded the rails to be removed by the end of February. So the railway operation can be tendered to any interested parties. However if these rails are removed when and if they are replaced the whole railway will need to be fully fenced both sides. As a Poole park user you know this is not possible or even likely and Chris Bullen feels he will be responsible for the demise on Poole park railway forever. Will keep you all updated on here till we have finalised the Facebook.. Chris bullen is deverstated at the news he received today in his meeting and only has the future of poolepark railway at heart for future generations regardless of who wins the tender.. Chris is so Humbled at all your comments of support and will fight this to the bitter end .. please note he is not dieing for cancer .. maybe a vicious rumour put around so he can bow out gracefully which he's not prepared to do . Please sign our petition .. THANKYOU XX