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To: Katherine Saunders Chief Executive, Alliance for Better Care

Support Our Social Prescribers: Protect Frontline Preventative Care.

Social prescribing has been a lifeline for many in our community, offering essential non-medical support that improves both mental and physical health. However, the planned redundancies of experienced social prescribers now threaten to dismantle this critical service.

Why is this important?

Social Prescribers have been at the heart of our community, helping individuals navigate challenges such as mental health struggles, elderly isolation, homelessness, and the ongoing cost-of-living crisis. They connect people to vital resources, including food banks and employment support, all while strengthening community bonds.

According to The BMJ, evaluating Social Prescribing Link Workers (SPLWs) too early risks overlooking their full potential. They recommend extending the evaluation period by at least two more years to conduct a thorough review of their impact. Let’s ensure these dedicated professionals can continue their essential work.

Sign now to save this vital service!

Crawley, UK

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2024-10-16 19:39:44 +0100

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