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To: Chessington World of Adventures

Save "Professor Burp's Bubbleworks" ride

Reconsider the decision to close this ride.

Why is this important?

I, like many others, have been going to Chessington World of Adventures for many years and my children have enjoyed all the activities tremendously. Imagine my horror then when I saw that the "Professor Burp's Bubbleworks" ride is to be closed after the summer holidays. Typical! Even though it's a magical ride for all ages, it's a godsend on a hot day when you need to escape from the sun for a while, it's a restful ride for exhausted parents and grandparents and a calming ride for over-excited little ones, no doubt it's got to go because it doesn't make enough money. Why can't they just spruce it up with a lick of paint and just re-vamp it a bit? Chessington is a more suitable park for babies and toddlers because of the zoo, so it's madness to take away one of the rides aimed at this age group, surely? Have they conducted any surveys or handed out any questionnaires before taking this insane decision, I wonder? It would appear not, from the huge number of incensed comments I have already seen plastered all over facebook, all saying how much this particular ride means to them. Please take a moment to sign this petition and add your name to the chorus of disapproval before it's too late and Professor Burp is no more. Even if we cannot save the Professor from certain death, perhaps we can ensure that his replacement ride will at least be specifically for the littl'uns (and preferably another cool, indoor ride) and not another stomach-churning ride aimed at teenagers, who are already well catered for.



2016-08-29 15:04:14 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-08-03 14:32:45 +0100

10 signatures reached