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To: DEFRA and Avon & Somerset Police Commissioner

Save Sky - Release Sky and Let Her Live

22/01/18 - Great news in from Bristol Crown Court today ~ Sky is allowed to live - We Won!

A fantastic result for Sky - the Crown Court made a contingent destruction order; Sky is going to live with a new keeper :)

Previously, Sky's case was heard before the High Court in London on the 10th November, the Court reserved Judgment at that time, we later received fantastic news as a favourable Judgment was received for Sky's case which also has huge implications for other dogs caught up under the sae legal nightmare.

It has been a long drawn out battle for us to reach this day!

Our huge thanks to Sky's legal team - Wheldon Law solicitors, Barrister Pamela Rose and Cathryn McGahey QC and all our wonderful supporters and Save Sky from BSL who have stood with us all the way and never given up.
More news to follow on Sky's journey to freedom xx

We, the undersigned, request Sky is released and her life be spared in accordance with the Crown Court order of August 2016.

Let Sky live and repeal failed breed specific legislation.

Why is this important?

The life of a much loved, innocent dog named Sky is hanging in the balance, due to breed specific legislation (BSL).

Sky is a loving friendly, healthy, innocent four year old dog who has never put a paw wrong, she has a responsible and caring family and fantastic new home waiting for her but she is held locked away on canine death row.

Bristol Crown Court ordered Sky be exempted to her new keeper in August last year but Avon and Somerset Police disputed the order and DEFRA refused to register the dog to the new keeper.  Avon & Somerset Police also recently tried to prevent the current stay of execution from being extended which would have put Sky at immediate risk of destruction.

Sky and her mum are now locked into a long and exhaustive legal battle to try to save her.

This is BSL in action, in the UK: A total shambles aimed at responsible dog owners and their innocent canine companions, a complete waste of public funds and resources, there is no compassion, no fairness, no justice. Let Sky live and repeal failed Breed Specific Legislation.

#LetSkyLive #StandBySky #WeAreWithYou #EndBSL



2017-03-29 17:49:22 +0100

10 signatures reached