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To: Anyone interested in 20th Century architecture and culture, and the future of Derby

Save The Assembly Rooms - Expired 31 December 2022

Email [email protected] pleading that the iconic '70s Assembly Rooms building is saved from the bulldozers, referring to application 20/00899/CAD

Why is this important?

This building is arguably the finest 20th century building in the City of Derby. The ‘Brutalist’ architectural style is currently at its nadir but as time passes it will inevitably be re-evaluated, as has happened with other, once controversial, styles. Commissioned by the City Council following an national architectural competition, it was judged to be the right design for the important civic role it was to fulfil. It was opened by HRH The Queen Mother in 1977.
The designer, Neville Condor CBE of Casson Condor Architects, was a founder of the prestigious architectural practice Casson Condor Architects. Another competitor, Sir James Stirling RA, in a frank comment following the outcome (in a recording held by the British Library) generously accepted Condor’s design deserved to win.
Quite apart from the architectural quality of this important civic building there is a strong argument on environmental grounds for the re-use of buildings containing significant amounts of embodied energy. The City Councils' own Policy CP2 requires the council to respond to climate change by reducing carbon emissions, while its Policy CP3 places great emphasis on design. It is inconceivable that the building cannot be modified, whilst retaining its architectural qualities, to continue to fulfil its role as an entertainment venue. Surely modernisation of a substantial and robust existing structure represents better value for tax-payers money than expensive demolition and rebuilding?
It would be simply disgraceful for this distinguished building to be destroyed. It would be yet another nail in the coffin of the city’s architectural heritage.

How it will be delivered

We plan to deliver the petition to the Council by hand if possible.

Derby, UK

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL


2020-10-21 16:03:52 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2020-10-01 09:22:24 +0100

500 signatures reached

2020-09-16 19:31:35 +0100

100 signatures reached

2020-09-15 08:23:21 +0100

50 signatures reached

2020-09-11 18:01:02 +0100

25 signatures reached

2020-09-11 08:41:11 +0100

10 signatures reached