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To: Lombard Street Churches

Save The Cosy Coffee Corner!

Please reverse the decision to end The Cosy Coffee Corner's licence to operate at St. Mary Woolnoth Church. If this is not possible then please extend the notice period so that all possibilities to re-locate the coffee shop can be explored.

Why is this important?

Mel and the team at The Cosy Coffee Corner have become an important and much loved part of the Bank community and are one of the few remaining independent coffee shops left in the City. Closure will not only mean that Mel will lose her life savings invested in the business but that her team will also lose their jobs. This doesn't need to happen.
London EC3V 9AN, UK

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2023-11-30 23:57:04 +0000

Unfortunately I am disappointed to report that the petition has not been successful and the Church (or more appropriately, the Parochial Church Council) will not reverse their decision to terminate The Cosy Coffee Corner's licence. Melina has extremely reluctantly now accepted this decision and the coffee shop will close for good in two weeks time. This is obviously not the result that we wanted.

After contacting Melina, she says the best we can do to help her is to purchase the remaining branded stock in the shop and to contribute towards the costs of the closure and the enormous loss of her investment – she should be selling the business for what it is worth after so many years building a strong client base and delivering outstanding service to our community, not just closing it and walking away with nothing.

A gofundme site has been set up. If you can spare anything please do donate what you can:

2023-09-19 00:24:47 +0100

Mel at The Cosy Coffee Corner (CCC) was served with notice to vacate by December 2023 - almost 3 years before the term was to end.
The Church offered to work together to lessen the impact. But no concrete plans materialised, despite CCC putting forward options, including to help set up and run the shop as a social enterprise for the Church.
Despite being told that the Church had no plans for the space, the Church does want to set up a social enterprise - without Mel (CCC) and her team. The Church are within their legal rights to do so, but is it morally right to cause the loss of jobs, Mel's life savings and a sense of community at Bank in the process?
I met with one of our local Common Councillors to discuss what we can do and plan to send the petition to the Church this week.
If you value the warm & friendly welcome at CCC, the service provided to our community at Bank & the best coffee in the square mile, there is still time to share the petition.

2023-09-19 00:15:52 +0100

1100 signatures in 2 weeks is amazing - thank you!

2023-09-07 11:45:24 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2023-08-31 12:08:06 +0100

500 signatures reached

2023-08-30 15:34:34 +0100

100 signatures reached

2023-08-30 13:37:23 +0100

50 signatures reached

2023-08-30 12:20:02 +0100

25 signatures reached

2023-08-30 11:58:56 +0100

10 signatures reached