Since December 2015 the curlew has been on the Birds of Conservation Concern red list as numbers have plummeted 50% in 25 years. The curlew may soon be extinct. Urgent conservations efforts across the UK are required and are being spearheaded by the Curlew Recovery Partnership - This is one of the few sites in Northamptonshire where curlews are known to be located.
The curlews return to Landal Rockingham Forest Park each March with their haunting cry heralding the arrival of spring to the boggy grassland and wide open spaces which provides perfect breeding habitat during spring/summer to raise their chicks. Curlews need long grass from spring onwards to provide cover from predators for their eggs and chicks however since the park opened in May 2021 the grassland surrounding the lodges is regularly cut from February onwards. As part of the 2015 planning permission requirements the tourist development had been required to manage the grassland sympathetically for ground nesting birds in accordance with ecological advice.
The many months of intrusive construction of and expansion of the holiday park could mean the death knell for the curlew on this North Northamptonshire site and will contribute to their national decline.
During 2021 and 2022 I have tried to raise awareness of the curlews’ presence on the holiday park with the family owners of the land, site manager, the senior ecologist of Lockhart Garrett advising the development, British Trust for Ornithology, RSPB, Northants Wildlife Trust, Natural England, council’s ecologist (who is also Project Manager for the council's Minerals & Waste department) and Dean Wishart, Planning Officer hoping that that the curlews will have protection and conservation will be supported.
Professor Russell Wynn, Manager of the Curlew Recovery Partnership has also communicated with the private and council ecologists about the curlews’ presence on the land to offer advice.
Professor Wynn would be more than willing to offer ongoing help and support about curlew conservation should this be of interest.
If you wish to object about this development I hope you will sign this petition which will be lodged with George Candler, Director of Economy and Place with North Northants Council responsible for signing off planning applications.
In addition a copy will be lodged with Paul Hardingham of Landal Greenparks UK.
I would also urge you to send an objection to NE/22/00266/FUL to North Northants Council as there are currently very few objections about this development and it will soon be decided.
I hope you can help.
Time is running out to save the curlew on Landal Rockingham Forest Park………