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To: National Express West Midlands

Save the Number 27 bus

We won! Following huge opposition to the withdrawal of the number 27 bus, Stagecoach has decided to keep the bus running![day]=&

Keep the much needed and very valuable 27 bus route in Birmingham and ask National Express West Midlands to rethink their plans.

Why is this important?

National Express have made plans to stop the 27 bus.

It goes around Birmingham to places that don’t have public transport otherwise. Many residents in Stirchley and Bournville would be out public transport which they use in their daily lives. This would affect elderly people who use it to get into town and shopping centres, as well as children who use the bus to get to and from school.

The National Express have launched a public consultation. If as many of us sign the petition as possible, we can show them how vital the 27 is to so many people.

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2018-03-09 11:12:43 +0000

Petition is successful with 3,365 signatures

2017-11-27 15:51:16 +0000

Just a quick note to say, the number 27 bus has been saved. Thank you for everyone that signed the petition and took part in the consultation!

2017-08-10 18:11:25 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2017-08-10 15:44:16 +0100

500 signatures reached

2017-08-10 12:16:37 +0100

100 signatures reached

2017-08-10 11:51:41 +0100

50 signatures reached

2017-08-10 11:23:53 +0100

25 signatures reached

2017-08-10 10:22:13 +0100

10 signatures reached