25 signatures reached
To: Home Secretary
Save the Police Ambulance and Fire Service

Provide proper funding to the Police Ambulance and Fire Service so that they can do their jobs properly
Why is this important?
There is a very important issue that has not been raised in the press, possibly because the media is covering up for the establishment and dont want to to rock the corporate boat that they are all in it together, the rest of us are not of concern.
I should point out that I was a Police Officer and have been retired for nearly 10 years. I know that things change, but I have it on very good authority that the system is now broken. There is a fraction of Officers to police an area where there was enough work 10 years ago to keep 50 Officers busy, now there is less than 25, and the area is bigger. The rate of recorded crime is falling, because there are no proactive operations to arrest people who are committing crime, and because the public believe that the Police will do nothing, they are not reporting the crimes that are occurring. Because Officers are rushing the public and making more mistakes, there are more complaints against the Police. That leads to greater stress and more Officers being long term sick, which increases the strain on the people left. The Police are being passed jobs by the ambulance service because a patient has chest pains and they have no resources available, so the Police are not able to do the job as they should .
Whilst the wheel is still on at this moment, it is only because of the professionalism of the Police Officers who are doing their best, but it wont last. This Home Secretary has made some big promises to the public, that front line services will not be effected, well that will be tested in the next major incident or public disorder and we will then see this illusion for what it is. The cuts experienced so far will continue for another 5 years if the present government is returned to power, and there will be no going back from that situation.
The bankers have had their bonuses and the rich their tax cuts, but I was not aware that it was on the back of the destruction of our public services.
I should point out that I was a Police Officer and have been retired for nearly 10 years. I know that things change, but I have it on very good authority that the system is now broken. There is a fraction of Officers to police an area where there was enough work 10 years ago to keep 50 Officers busy, now there is less than 25, and the area is bigger. The rate of recorded crime is falling, because there are no proactive operations to arrest people who are committing crime, and because the public believe that the Police will do nothing, they are not reporting the crimes that are occurring. Because Officers are rushing the public and making more mistakes, there are more complaints against the Police. That leads to greater stress and more Officers being long term sick, which increases the strain on the people left. The Police are being passed jobs by the ambulance service because a patient has chest pains and they have no resources available, so the Police are not able to do the job as they should .
Whilst the wheel is still on at this moment, it is only because of the professionalism of the Police Officers who are doing their best, but it wont last. This Home Secretary has made some big promises to the public, that front line services will not be effected, well that will be tested in the next major incident or public disorder and we will then see this illusion for what it is. The cuts experienced so far will continue for another 5 years if the present government is returned to power, and there will be no going back from that situation.
The bankers have had their bonuses and the rich their tax cuts, but I was not aware that it was on the back of the destruction of our public services.