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To: Chris McGuinness (Doncaster Cabinet member for the Environment)


Stop the felling of the 64 lime trees on Bawtry Road as you approach Tickhill.

Why is this important?


At the beginning of November DMBC are planning to fell the 64 lime trees on Bawtry Road in Tickhill and replace them with 80 oak saplings. The rationale for felling the trees is based on an inaccurate and out of date report that suggests that the trees are slowly dying and that, as a consequence, they pose a health and safety risk. However, recent independent reports confirm that these trees are actually healthy and do not pose any threat to health and safety. Nevertheless, Doncaster Council firmly believes that Tickhill residents support the decision to fell the trees - so, if you don’t support this decision then your voice needs to be heard!


1.VISUAL IMPACT – There will be a huge visual impact on the approach to Tickhill as the new oak saplings with take decades to mature
2.ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND ANIMAL WELL BEING - The acorns from the new trees are poisonous to horses and will impact equine businesses in the local area. Furthermore, bats and their roosts are legally protected and the tree felling could potentially have a detrimental impact on these
3.COMMERCIAL IMPACT - Loss of the trees may also enable a larger warehousing facility to be built in the vicinity, which will increase goods vehicles on the road and through the village

The trees were planted more than 100 years ago to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria so that generations gone by and generations to follow for the next 100 years can enjoy their beauty and remember their historical significance.  It would be a travesty to remove them, especially if it was completely unnecessary.


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2015-11-29 20:10:51 +0000

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2015-10-27 17:02:01 +0000

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2015-10-27 15:19:16 +0000

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