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I would like this company to point out to governments that this drug is life changing for many people with various autoimmune diseases not only MS. With more patients use the cost could be brought down.

Why is this important?

I have been suffering with a rare autoimmune disease Behcets Syndrome for 30 years now. It has very similar symptoms to diseases such as MS, ME, Lupus and more. There are no definitive tests for this disease and it took me 12 years to get a diagnosis, there is also no cure. The symptoms are very painful and life becomes unbearable at times, it affects the skin, joints, muscles and organs. There is a possibility of blindness, immobility and even in rare cases death. The not knowing how it will affect a person and what symptoms to expect is devasting. Also as we get older it is more difficult to fight off illness and maintain mobility as a norm but to do this whilst suffering with the disease and the excruciating pain feels almost impossible at times and can and does bring on depression, and all of this affects ones family and friends too. We need a drug like SAVITEX to help us with the pain, which in turn will enable us to lead a better life in terms of all areas ...general care of washing and dressing to being able to go out and mostly to free ourselves of the chains that comes with continual chronic pain. Please sign this petition for us and others suffering in this way. If this drug was available to more of us suffering in similar ways although a different label then I am sure the costs saved will outweigh the cost of the medication. The NHS would save on Carers, other many medications we have to take, therapy treatments visits to GP's, and visits to hospitals for steroid injections etc etc. help us to help ourselves!!!



2014-08-29 07:17:19 +0100

100 signatures reached

2014-08-27 23:49:01 +0100

50 signatures reached

2014-08-25 19:30:31 +0100

25 signatures reached

2014-08-24 14:29:00 +0100

10 signatures reached