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To: Cornwall Council

Say NO to Cornish school bus route closures

14/12/23 We Did it!

Following their own consultation and delivery of this petition, Cornwall Council decided to withdraw substantially all of the recommendation to cut school bus routes across the county.

Cornwall Council has tabled a proposal to end 16 Cornish school bus routes, including on dangerous roads, as an indiscriminate cost-cutting measure. Very limited consultation of parents concerned has taken place and, yet, the measures are set to be introduced as early as the next school year.

In some areas, over half the children affected are from disadvantaged backgrounds. Attendance will no doubt be affected and safety compromised. This is a short-term cut with long-term costs.

As such, we are asking for the immediate withdrawal of the proposal by Cornwall Council.

Why is this important?

School attendance has already dropped off a cliff since the pandemic, hitting the most disadvantaged students hardest. Slashing school bus routes will make things worse.

Many of the routes deemed "Suitable to Walk" lack pavement, have very poor pavement, and are on roads with the national speed limit.

And for some, this will mean around two hours' walk to school and back each day which, whilst whilst a nice thought on a bright, sunny day with no time pressures, is a huge blow to many families.

This is just another example of small short-term savings by Cornwall Council that will lead to huge long-term costs, for both families and taxpayers.

Full list of proposed closures is as follows:
- Hatt to Landulph School
- Minorca Lane to Bugle School
- Penwithick to Poltair School
- Joan Moffat Close to Liskeard Hillfort School
- Porthtowan to Mount Hawke Academy
- Tregadillet to Launceston College
- South Petherwin to Launceston College
- Prince Phillip Estate to Launceston College
- St Cleer to Liskeard School and Community College
- Lamellion to Liskeard School and Community College
- Dobwalls to Liskeard School and Community College
- Foxhole to Brannel School (St Stephen)
- Burlawn to Wadebridge School
- Cury to Mullion School
- Truthwall to Cape Cornwall School (St Just)
- Delabole to Sir James Smith’s School (Camelford)

Please sign and tell us how the route closures would affect students in your community.

How it will be delivered

Directly to Cornwall Council leader Linda Taylor (Cons)

Cornwall, UK

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2023-12-14 09:49:05 +0000

Petition is successful with 1,365 signatures

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1,000 signatures reached

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500 signatures reached

2023-11-06 07:17:20 +0000

100 signatures reached

2023-10-23 21:13:37 +0100

50 signatures reached

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25 signatures reached

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10 signatures reached