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To: Philip Miller, Stockvale group

Say no to euthanising animals of Southend Sealife Centre
Urgently seek alternative means to recover costs to safeguard the welfare of the creatures at Sealife Adventure and Wild in Southend-on-Sea and do not euthanise any creatures on the grounds of affordability of looking after them.

Why is this important?

When purchasing any animal or aquatic creature, a responsibility is taken on to care for that creature humanely for the duration of its life.

It is costly looking after creatures, nonetheless, at the point of purchase a commitment is made to adequately meet its needs for food, shelter, and giving a stimulating environment.

The recent announcement that the animals and aquatic creatures of Southend’s Sealife Adventure and Wild Centre may be euthanised due to the rising cost of their care with the energy price rises is therefore not acceptable.

This letter urgently calls on Philip Miller to seek alternative means to recover costs, safeguarding the welfare of these creatures throughout the winter, and to not euthanise any creatures on the grounds of affordability of looking after them.

By joining voices we can persuade the owners of Sealife Adventure and Wild to save the lives of tens of creatures, including meerkats, monkeys, and sealife creatures, who may be euthanised due to cost saving measures.
Southend-on-Sea, UK

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