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To: Bristol City Council

Say no to monthly bin collections in Bristol
The Green Party-led Bristol City Council is currently planning to scrap your bi-weekly bin collection, and instead only collect your black bins once a month. We want Green Party councillors to reconsider. 

Why is this important?

The Green Party-led Bristol City Council is currently planning to scrap your bi-weekly bin collection, and instead only collect your black bins once a month.

Yet, they are also proposing a 15% rise in council tax – adding £245 to the bills of the average household. Bristolians shouldn’t have to pay more and get less.

Missed collections are already a problem across Bristol. These problems need to be fixed first.

Under these plans, if someone misses their monthly collection, they will have rubbish in their house for a whole extra month before the next bin collection. This could lead to increases in fly-tipping – which is already a scourge across our city.
Monthly bin collection will have a disproportionate impact on larger families and households. As well as this, parents know how quickly new-borns’ nappies fill up their black bins – this especially isn’t workable for them.

Bristol has the highest recycling rate of the English Core Cities. To improve recycling rates further, the council needs to improve the recycling services offered to include additional materials, like nappies and soft plastics, and ensure that all residents that live in flats have an equal opportunity to recycle, which is currently hit and miss.

Monthly black bin collections won’t work. Let the Green Party know – no to monthly black bin collections.

Bristol black bin collections 'could be reduced to once a month' - BBC News
Bristol City Council opens consultation over 15% council tax rise - BBC News
Bristol, UK

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