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To: Stephen Colegate, Chief Planning Officer, Forest of Dean District Council, Coleford, Gloucestershire

Say 'No' to proposed Industrial Chicken Farm in Clearwell, Forest of Dean.

Help stop this application by writing or emailing an objection to the Forest of Dean District Council (planning reference number PO711/15/FUL.)

Why is this important?

I feel passionate about the care and treatment of all animals, and the thought that 350,000 chickens being kept in such cruel conditions appalls me.

Clearwell is in a beautiful location in the Forest of Dean, and an extremely popular area for families to come on holiday. I feel that the obnoxious smells enamating from the broiler units would have a detrimental effect on tourism, and would greatly affect local people.

The narrow lanes which would be used to transport the dead birds are totally unsuitable for HGV traffic, and will impact detrimentally on the health and safety of local people.
Forest of Dean District

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2021-03-07 13:45:21 +0000

1,000 signatures reached

2017-08-01 11:29:02 +0100

This plea goes out to everyone who signed the petition. This petition helped in getting the application rejected by the council and appeal. BUT, the applicant is now trying a sly underhand move.
He has re-applied but for broiler turkeys this time. The shed sizes remain the same and his current broiler chicken permit with the EA means that if he gets planning for the turkey units, there is NOTHING stopping him changing it to chickens overnight.
We are not going to raise yet another petition because they council see a petition as one objection. The fact is that IT IS the number of objections that counts. So I ask this. It will take you one minute, could stop this in its tracks, and we really need your help.

Simply copy this email address: [email protected] and send an email saying you object to the application P0711/15/FUL.
You can put that you object on the grounds that the application is not a sustainable development:

From my heart


2017-05-16 23:02:44 +0100

500 signatures reached

2015-08-04 01:57:48 +0100

100 signatures reached

2015-08-03 17:58:33 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-08-03 12:24:23 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-08-02 13:37:59 +0100

10 signatures reached