To: Scottish Government

Scotland's Colonial Past Should Be Part Of The Education Curriculum

Teach Scottish colonial past as part of the Scottish compulsory curriculum
Currently, it is not compulsory for primary or secondary school students to be educated on Scotland's role in colonisation, or the transatlantic slave trade. We petition the Scottish Government to make education on topics such as these compulsory, with the ultimate aim of a far more inclusive curriculum.

More details
Now, more than ever, we must turn to education and history to guide us. But vital information has been withheld from the people by institutions meant to educate them. By educating on the events of the past, we can forge a better future. Colonial powers must own up to their pasts by raising awareness of the forced labour of Black people, past and present mistreatment of BAME people, and most importantly, how this contributes to the unfair systems of power at the foundation of our modern society

Why is this important?

Scotland must own up to it's contribution to the slave trade. It also has a duty to ensure that the public are aware of it's part in the colonisation of countries around the world.

Scotland, UK

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